Thu, 4 Aug 1994 10:31:03 -0400

Enclosed is some new product information I thought you all would be
interested in.  I have no affiliation with Bellcore, and no other
information on this product.

Liudvikas Bukys
University of Rochester
Computer Science Department
734 Computer Studies Building
Rochester, NY 14627-0226

tel# 716-275-7747
fax# 716-461-2018




This software is intended to help enable security administrators,
network administrators, or EDP auditors scan the systems on a TCP/IP
network for various vulnerabilities:

	* System access without authentication

	* Systems that trust everyone through /etc/hosts.equiv.

	* Non-secure versions of ftp and sendmail.

	* Unrestricted tftp, NFS, and X Window System privileges.

The PINGWARE System tests every address on a network at greater than
350 Internet Protocol addresses per hour.  The files tested include
FTP, RSH, TFTP, Sendmail/SMTP, NFS, and X Window System.

The PINGWARE System accepts class B, class C, and individual host
Internet Protocol addresses on a network.  It is available for either
the SunOS 4.1 (or above) or the HP-UX A.B8.05 (or above) operating

LP-STS-000029	March 1994
Price:	$4000 (basic package)
	$6000 (enhanced package; includes consultation)

PINGWARE is a trademark of Bellcore.  NFS is a registered trademark and
SunOS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.  X Window System is a
registered trademark of MIT.  HP-UX is a registered trademark of
Hewlett-Packard Company.

Call 1-800-521-CORE (2673) in the USA/Canada, or 908-699-5800 for all
other locations.
